Blog for 2/25/08
I am writing this under the influence of an antihistaminic haze as my husband and I have been ill with the flu or a serious cold this week. I will try to make sense and hit the highlights of the articles and my “take away” from them. (My thanks to Microsoft for spell checking).
In the first two articles,
The difficulty in teaching writing was investigated at Harvard in 1891 by an outside committee of three (with no credentials in teaching or academics). Again (as we have read before) the blame for poor writing skills was put on the lower schools and , much like what has happened recently, with the “No child left behind Act”, the schools were Ordered to do a better job but were not given any money or tools to do so. As
The “scientific” and “technical world view” took over from that point, turning the teaching of writing into a course in technical writing. Technical writing, which was valued by the business community, restricted the composing process and teaching style became the focus of the writing course.
The Corbett article was the easiest to read and my favorite. He discusses what I have been thinking about since I began this course. Rhetoric is used extensively in Advertisement. Marketing departments are expert rhetoricians and incorporate a lot of psychology in their messages. They use every form of rhetoric including propaganda and every form of composition (or genre). I especially enjoyed the discussion on the informal modes of discourse such as those used in contemporary speech, “small talk, explanations, directions”, etc. (1). This article was understandable and helpful to me because it used concrete examples, such as the HP ad and the analysis of the parts of the speeches from Homers Iliad. This especially helped me better understand “Classic Rhetoric”
Corbett covers all the aspects of rhetoric from the classic 5 canons to the modern uses of rhetoric, including advertisement. He discussed the everyday uses of rhetoric (a parent uses rhetoric on a child; a teacher on his/her students; a supervisor to employees; a salesperson on customers). He states that “rhetoric is an inescapable activity in our lives” (25). He also discusses some of the negative forms of rhetoric such as propaganda, demagoguery, doublespeak and brainwashing.
He also, admits the old ways need to give way to newer ways of thinking. [Old ways] “should be retained only if they prove relevant and useful” (25). He seems to defend “formulaic” teaching while at the same time admitting that it can inhibit creativity and innovation. He uses examples of some of the major writers of the Renaissance: Chaucer, Shakespeare, Johnson etc. and claims that the strict method by which they learned could only have helped them become better writers than they may have been without it. He seems to be saying that learning the classical forms of rhetoric and methods of developing discourse doesn’t have to inhibit or limit your creativeness – Use it if it serves you.
Kinneavy’s chapter on the “Aims of Discourse” describes “discourse” in its context – complete discourse, oral and written. He focuses on the intent of the discourse and cautions against two types of fallacies that can occur. Assuming that the intent of the author is what actually happens, is a form of fallacy he describes as “intentional fallacy” and “Affective fallacy” he describes as the assumption that “reaction of the reader accurately indicates the intent of the author” (130).
Kinneavy distinguishes the various theories of the aims of discourse (as internal norms affecting discourse) in a table format that compares the theories from Aristotle to contemporary theorists like himself. His use of the table in figure 2 (135) that demonstrates the basic purposes of composition was very helpful to me in understanding the divisions he is discussing. (Obviously, I am a visual learner). He discusses the external norms that affect discourse such as historical context, social context and language itself, referencing a variety of theorists from many disciplines.
I especially enjoyed his analogy of language to a window pane. This was a very expressive way he demonstrates the uses of writing. Like the window pane writing can be used expressively (to make a point or express an opinion by breaking it), persuasively (as a weapon [“the pen is mightier than the sword” (who said that?)], referentially (as a mirror) and aesthetically (as a piece of “work” in itself).
Kinneavy defends the place of composition as the “foundation of liberal arts tradition”.
I would agree with him here. Composition is essential to higher education. Students need to learn the principles of the use of language (rhetoric) and writing to convey their message in whatever subject they are studying, be that a test question or paper that identifies their understanding of their lessons or a professional paper demonstrating their research to other professionals in their field.
I admit that I am somewhat biased (or at least inexperienced) to other forms of writing as I have only done technical writing for nursing.
Hi Patti,
I appreciate your comment on my blog for this week's reading, and I hope you're feeling better. I'm happy that my reference to Bloom's taxonomy was helpful to you.
I agree with your statement this week (in your blog) that it doesn't make sense that first year composition would be relegated to graduate student teachers, etc. This course is an important foundation for students; however, even today, most freshman composition teachers are graduate students or part-time instructors. Not much has changed, right?
I am sorry to hear the plague has got you and I hope you are better! I am also in agreement that composition teachers shouldn't be ignored (of course I would be) but it heartens me to see that awareness outside of us english teachers. I also think that is one more reason among many we should consider the teaching of composition as much a teaching of thought process as writing.
Good responses this week, Patti. We discussed in class how the Corbett chapter was really intended as a short overview of classical rhetoric. The English dept. also offers a graduate class in Classical Rhetoric that goes more in depth. The Greeks and Romans actually did a pretty good job of preparing students for the kind of communicating they'd be doing in courts, government, public forums. As Connors, Kinneavy, and Berlin demonstrate, the modes of discourse did not really correspond to reality and did not really prepare students for realworld writing. However, the modes were taught so much and for so long that we are left with this artificial genre, the 5-paragraph essay. Can you find me one of these in the real world? Too bad that's the predominant form of writing still being taught in high school and college.
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